《重生之血色浪漫》全本免費閱讀
鐘躍民深吸了一口氣,拳頭握的緊緊的。他思考著該如何反駁這種荒謬的提議。
接下來,鐘躍民眉頭皺的越來越深。心裡想,這老外這不就是鼓吹去工業化,一心一意給歐美代工,做小弟嗎?
如果真的這樣做,將會對中國的工業發展造成巨大的打擊,甚至可能讓國家陷入萬劫不複的境地。
陽光透過窗戶灑在大禮堂的地板上,光影斑駁。又聽到台上的外國專家,以他那慣有的高傲口吻,滔滔不絕地發表著看法.“雖然中國最近幾年取得了很大的進步,我們也看到了可喜的變化,但是以中國的經濟結構優勢,很難完成工業化的超越。”
會場內一片寂靜,仿佛連空氣都凝固了。鐘躍民心中的怒火卻像火焰般熊熊燃燒。他深知國家工業化道路上的艱辛與不易。
台上的演講在繼續.“The
fn
expert
tinued,
"The
parative
advantage
is
that
both
sides
be
through
fair
trade.
a
is
totally
not
equipped
with
the
ditions
for
industrialization,
but
a
has
a
vast
market,
a
billion
people,
rich
mineral
resources
and
agricultural
resources,
and
the
substitution
of
agricultural
products
is
actually
much
higher
than
industrial
products
at
the
critical
point
of
famine."
With
such
a
large
try
like
a
and
such
a
population
base,
it
is
imperative
to
solve
the
problem
of
food
and
clothing,
advanced
teology
ot
be
imported,
and
the
innovation
ability
of
the
ese
people
is
yet
to
be
verified."
"Europe
and
the
United
States
industry
is
developed,