宋知聿指著地圖上的一處地方,又拿出一張建築設計圖,開口說道:“this place, the terrain ited in thil is just one kilometer, and thive checked the relevant information, in the early yearce built an air-raid nd the area in 200 nd thill part.”(這個地方,地形特殊,距這個醫院就一公裡,而這個位置,我們查過相關資料,早年間,這個地方修築過一個防空洞,且麵積不小於兩百平,而這隻是一小部分。)
接著宋知聿又在外圍一圈畫了畫,繼續說道:“both buildings have bomb sheltersement floor, which are not only identical, but alnd, montly, hidden. the town is surrounded by mountains, and these two buildingdy on the edge, with the entrance of the air-raid dry well and the other end being a hole of about 1.5 meters, fag the mountains and forests, which is extremely difficult to find.”(這兩棟樓的地下一層都修築了防空洞,不僅結構相同